“It smells good in here,” many customers say when they are in the pipe tobacco section of Uhle’s warehouse. The many bulk tobaccos form a pleasing scent, somewhat perfuming the air. I, sadly, don’t notice this anymore as I have been working with pipe tobacco since before Pokemon existed. But the comment does remind me of The Curse of The Pipe Smoker--you can’t smell your blend’s room aroma as you smoke.
This is a unique affliction. Gourmets can have their cake and smell it, too; the baker can enjoy the classic aroma of baking bread; and when cologne or perfume is applied, certainly the wearer can appreciate the scent. Alas, the pipe smoker cannot enjoy the same pleasure while smoking a favorite blend.
Smoking a pipe is surely pleasurable; the flavor of a blend is the main appeal, and this is definitely available for the smoker to savor. So, too, the smoke gently curling from the pipe and the warmth of the bowl in hand. Our tactile, sight and flavor senses are delighted. The poor nose, though, can’t contribute--it’s like hearing your own recorded voice: we know we don’t sound like that, because when we hear our own speaking voice it is through the dense matter of our head (right, some denser than others). Likewise, some physiological switch is tripped and we can’t savor the aroma of our currently-burning blend. We can take pleasure, though, that others in our area may enjoy the fine scent from our briar.
In this respect, pipe smoking becomes something outside the individual. Only bystanders can appreciate the room aroma of what you are smoking in your pipe. Hopefully, they can understand the uniqueness of pipe smoke which does, in fact, smell good--”I love the smell of a pipe” is a phase I’ve heard hundred of times.
And the smoker? It was pipe guru Richard Carleton Hacker who suggested a partial cure to The Curse of The Pipe Smoker: Light your pipe, puff contentedly, then put down your pipe and leave the room for fifteen minutes. On your re-entrance to your den of pipe pleasure, you should be able to enjoy the room aroma of your tobacco. And even better, you can continue smoking.
Twitter: @thepipebit
Very nicely written and a topic we can all relate too, plus "since before Pokemon existed." - Classic :{D